To celebrate her two-monthiversary, she got to go to the doctor for her two-month checkup. Luckily, Dad had to be at work, so he missed this one, because it involved lots of shots. At least Mommy was not the mean nurse for Josephine. She was very cranky that night, so we are hoping it was just the shots. We also learned that she now weighs 11 lb. 9 oz., 75th percentile and is 23.5 in. (long? tall?), 90th percentile. So it looks like any worries we had about her eating were ridiculous. Her head circumference is also in the 75th percentile, but keep your big head jokes to yourself--trust me, they are emotionally traumatizing.
Other than the shots, the doctor's appointment went very well, and Josephine is pretty much perfect in every way.
Josphine also had her first Easter. She and I went to church where she was very well-behaved (sleeping). And she got her first Easter basket. It had much more candy in it than the pictures show, but Mom and Dad got to it before the camera came out. And since 2-month-olds can't have candy, Mom and Dad had to finish it off, too.
Here is a video of Josephine in her bouncy chair. She is like this often now--full of smiles, and beginning to discover she has a voice beyond crying. She makes a few noises here, but sometimes she is far more chatty.
And here she is playing on her animal mat. She can entertain herself for quite a while talking to and batting at Little Miss Monkey, Senor Elefante, and G-Raff. And you can't really see it, but there is a parrot at her feet that gets the stuffing kicked out of him on the regular. (She is rocking the GU shirt because it is tourney time, baby. Sadly, Gonzaga would go on to blow an 11-point lead over Davidson later that day.)
So this baby thing is working out pretty well for the four of us (that includes Lorelei for those of you who are confused). Josephine is sleeping for longer stretches on most nights. She almost always has a couple of smiles when she is awake. And she is changing every day. Think that's about it for now. Go back to the top and look at those cute pictures again.